Heard about floating and curious what you can get out of it? Here are 10 reasons why floatation therapy can benefit and improve your life.
1. It’s relaxing
It might put you in the most relaxed and calm state you have ever been in, and it’s effortless.
2. You’ll sleep better
Finding it hard to ‘switch off’ at night or get a solid night sleep? The magnesium you absorb from the water coupled with lowered cortisol levels will surely help with that!
3. Say goodbye to stress and anxiety
If you live in Sydney then chances are you are under some form of mild stress. It’s amazing what one hour in our Float Pods can do. Your fears, anxieties and worries all seem to somehow drift away so that you can experience mental clarity and an improved sense of wellbeing.
4. Get some pain relief
Without pesky gravity holding you back, your joints and muscles get to take a well deserved break, the salt water also works wonders for inflammation and joint and muscle pain.
5. It’s great for your skin
The super saturated epsom salt water is amazing for your skin. You will leave with soft, smooth and rejuvenated skin from head to toe. It also helps with acne and eczema.
6. It can spark creativity
Without distraction your mind can wander and ponder. The tank has been known to make the left and right brain more active, causing an immense increase in creativity.
7. Improve athletic performance and recovery
Do you work out regularly? Our float pods are amazing for recovery after strenuous athletic training. Floating can aid in Reducing Lactic Acid build up, rapidly eliminate fatigue, improve oxygen circulation and reduce cortisol levels (stress hormones). Even the Australian Institute of Sport have been using Float Tanks for recovery for athletes for many years.
8. It’s can be an ‘out of this world’ experience
Many have described experiencing profound hallucinations and ‘out of body experiences’ whilst in the pods without the need for dangerous drugs. Some others equate it to the deepest most relaxing sleep you’ll ever have. Theres no doubt that it is nothing like your mind and body has ever experienced and most importantly, it’s totally safe.
9. Celebrities are secretly using them
From professional athletes, to musicians and actors, celebrities the world over have been using float tanks for many years. Just some of the many names include Elle Macpherson, Kristen Wiig, Jim Carrey, Willie Mason, Carl Lewis, Alan Watts and Joe Rogan. #everyonesdoingit!
10. If nothing else, It’s a great story
Maybe you’ll like it. Maybe you won’t. But hey, at least you know that later that night if you meet up with your friends, the answer to the question “how was your day,” will be much more interesting!
Are you Ready to Float?
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