Floating is one of the safest and simplest therapies you can do to both relax and de-stress.
Imagine stepping into a huge, warm, epsom salt bath, laying down and feeling the wonderful euphoric sensation of total weightlessness that only water and 600kgs of epsom salt can offer here on Earth….
Imagine unplugging from the entire world, no noisy traffic, no phones ringing, no text messages, no light, no sound, no sense of touch, nothing…
Imagine the ability to be completely present and alone with your true self…
Imagine being truly stress-free…
Stress Relief and Floating
Stress has become rampant throughout our culture and the havoc this has on the human body is well documented. From the moment we wake up, our senses are constantly being bombarded with external stimuli contributing to increased levels of cortisol, which is the precursor to stress.
One of the main reasons why people have embraced floatation therapy is the profound stress-reduced state that floating can allow you to achieve almost effortlessly.
Studies undertaken on floatation therapy have shown that floating reduces cortisol levels whilst at the same time releasing endorphins, which are natural ‘feel-good’ chemicals. A Swedish study found that a 40 minute float session achieved similar effects to that of a long vacation.

Improved Sleep and Pain Relief
Upon entering the float tank the embracing, calm, gravity free environment makes deep relaxation effortless. The epsom salt rich water soothes aching joints and muscles and helps relieve any built up tension.
Clinical research on the treatment of disorders such as insomnia, headaches, hypertention and rheumatoid arthritis have shown positive results.
Those suffering from chronic pain particularly benefited from weekly floatation therapy sessions, their level of perceived pain dropped, their sleep improved and they reported feeling happier and less anxious.

Don’t Forget about the Magnesium!
We use over 600kgs of Epsom Salt in each of our State-of-the-art Float Pods. The main component of Epsom Salt is Magnesium, a mineral which many of us are deficient in due to our diets. Floating in water that is so rich in Magnesium is one of the simplest and most effective ways to absorb the mineral.
Magnesium is vital for general Health and Wellbeing. It helps us sleep better, it regulates enzymes, it reduces inflammation and can prevent cardiovascular disease. It also aids recovery from injuries and helps ease aching joints and muscles so floating regularly is a great way to ensure you always have optimal levels of Magnesium in your body.
Relaxation is the most important key to health and well-being. It is the antidote to stress.
Start your Float Life today and begin experiencing the profound benefits for yourself.